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Why (and How) You Should Practice Preventative Dentistry
March 3, 2016

girl smiling with dental tools Dental Care Center

Going to the dentist twice a year, every year is recommended by dental professionals in order to stay on top of your teeth healthy, but simply going to the dentist is not enough when it comes to your teeth. Neither is brushing those teeth directly before your dental appointment. In order to have the healthiest teeth possible, it is important to practice preventative dentistry, which is the practice of caring for your teeth on a daily basis to keep them healthy. Taking care of your teeth should be a daily practice so you can have a confident, white, healthy smile.

Ways to Practice Preventative Dentistry

  1. Brush your teeth daily – It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day to ensure the plaque and bacteria are getting removed from the surface of your teeth. Also, replace your toothbrush about 3-4 times per year as the bristles will start to fray and not be as efficient in cleaning your teeth.  
  2. Floss daily – Flossing helps get in the tight places in between your teeth or get the hard to reach places a toothbrush cannot get to alone. (Your dentist can tell if you’re not actually flossing.) 
  3. Visit the dentist – You should visit your dentist for a checkup and cleaning at least once per year, but twice a year is recommended. Check with your dental insurance provider to see what your plan includes, most plans allow for two cleanings per year.
  4. Eat a balanced diet – By eating a balanced diet you can protect your teeth by providing them with the needed nutrients. Also, limit your sugar intake and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

What Does Preventative Dentistry Do?

Preventative dentistry helps keep your teeth healthy and helps to prevent dental problems in the future. By following the ways to practice preventative dentistry you can avoid or lessen the effects of cavities, enamel loss, periodontitis, and gingivitis. The people who benefit most from preventative dentistry are children because they learn from a very young age the proper way to care for their teeth and how to prevent problems down the line, but everyone can benefit from the preventative practices. By maintaining oral health you are benefiting your overall health since your mouth is the breeding ground for bacteria.

What are the Benefits?

The practice of preventative dentistry has many spillover benefits in your health. By practicing good dental health, you can reduce the likelihood of secondary problems caused by poor dental health. Some secondary problems that have been associated with poor dental health are heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, and premature birth or low birth weight. Other than reducing your risks of secondary health problems, by practicing good dental health you are saving yourself money. Even with dental insurance, dental procedures and treatments can get expensive.