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Getting to the Root of Root Canals
March 31, 2016

root canal flyer Dental Care Center

It’s Root Canal Awareness Week! May 3rd through May 9 is 2020’s designated week, which is a national effort to raise awareness of endodontists. The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) started Root Canal Awareness week with the intention of educating the public about the benefits that can come from seeing an endodontist and debunking the myth that root canals should be feared.

We all know the negative connotation that is connected to root canals, but what you might not know: root canals are not as rough as they used to be. With the advancement in technology, the root canal treatment process is becoming more like a routine filling.

Root Canal Basics

  • Root canal treatment is needed when the soft tissue inside the tooth, pulp, gets infected or inflamed.
  • During treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed, the inside of the tooth is carefully disinfected, and then it is filled with a rubber-like substance.
  • The tooth is then covered with a crown or filling for protection.
  • After treatment, a tooth can last a lifetime.

Endodontists have been working for years to help ease the common fear that root canals bring to patients every day. Today, the root canal process is less painful and more convenient. As a part of Root Canal Awareness Week, the AAE has created a couple of promotional and informational videos about root canal history, root canal procedures, and endodontists. Learn more about Root Canal Awareness Week or contact us today if you are having any tooth pain.